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Battle Cloud


Book 2

Blades drawn and arrows nocked, a seething mass of Volcae warriors howled and capered, determined to cut down every man that crossed the Rhone.

Tasked with persuading the warrior-like mountain tribes north of the Ebro river to allow Hannibal’s army to pass, Caros faces new challenges and dangers. He must use all his wits to negotiate treaties and quickly discovers others are inciting the tribes to resist Hannibal’s advance.

Battles between hardy mountain tribesmen. An encounter with a beautiful Oracle. Revenge against a traitor and a bloody battle against ferocious tribesmen on the Rhone.

Battle Cloud is the dramatic follow-on to bestselling Warhorn and ideal for fans of historical fiction who enjoy tales of the ancient past.

Second punic war warrior on book cover

Caros is fighting from the first page to the last. You are swept along as he fights through Spain and into Gaul, leading Hannibal on to his march on Rome. If you want constant action and some good characters, then buy the book.


This is a great story, excitement on every page. This book is as good if not better than the previous book. This story is as you imagine life would have been during those times. Great book, great story, great adventure.


Action from start to end as Hannibal's army continues its travels toward Rome. 2 heroes negotiate with local tribes, treaties are broken, battles are fought, girls are won, armies defeated. Looking forward to No3 as Caros, no doubt returns to lead his tribe against the Romans?


I have loved the Sons of Iberia series so far, they certainly get better and better. Definitely worth a read.


Another great read. Hope that there will be more to follow kept me turning the pages highly recommended roll on the next book

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Contact Details: J. Glenn Bauer | j.glennbauer@gmail.comSuite 112, Mail Boxes Etc. 115 - 116 Commercial Road, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN1 5BD

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